
COVID-19 FEMA Relief for California, Washington, and Oregon Health Care

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This Alert was updated April 16, 2020.

The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) has awarded over $560 million to the state of California, $720,000 to the state of Washington, and an as-yet unspecified amount to the state of Oregon.

Once awarded to the recipient state, these funds can be redistributed to applicant cities, counties, districts, and certain private not-for-profit organizations, including medical providers such as municipal and district hospitals.

Qualifying Services

At this time, funding is available for the following services:

  • Noncongregate sheltering
  • Emergency protective measures
  • Emergency medical care

The funding must be nonduplicative of funds received from Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), or other federal agencies. FEMA will provide assistance at 75% federal cost share for these services, and states may elect to provide the remaining 25%.

Application Details Overview

Applicants from all three states should prepare the following supporting documents to complete the first step in the application process, the Request for Public Assistance (RPA):

  • Organization information, including Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, physical and mailing address, and two points of contact
  • Proof of business ownership or legal responsibility
  • Tax-exemption certification
  • Insurance policy information
  • Articles of incorporation and bylaws

FEMA’s Documentation Requirements

FEMA has provided guidance regarding important things for organizations to document when applying for assistance, including:

  • Procurement details
  • Reasonableness of costs
  • Tracking usage of materials and supplies
  • Validation of contractors’ eligibility
  • Contract provision requirements

California Applicants

To register for the FEMA funding, California organizations should send one primary contact’s information to the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) at to establish an account. Registration information should include:

  • Organization’s name
  • Status as a 501(c)3 or a local government hospital district
  • Contact’s first name
  • Contact’s last name
  • Contact’s phone number
  • Contact’s email address

Once this person’s account is established, they can access the Grants Portal, set up additional users, and fill out the RPA form.

Washington Applicants

To register for the FEMA funding, Washington organizations should send one primary contact’s information to the Washington Emergency Management Division (EMD) at to establish an account. Registration information should include:

  • Organization’s name
  • Contact’s first name
  • Contact’s last name
  • Contact’s phone number
  • Contact’s email address

Once this person’s account is established, they can access the Grants Portal, set up additional users, and fill out the RPA form.

Oregon Applicants

To register for the FEMA funding, Oregon organizations should complete the RPA form and questionnaire, assemble the supporting documents listed in the above FEMA documentation requirements, and send them to and at the Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OEM) to establish an account.

The standard Oregon RPA form and private non-profit (PNP) form are available for download here or on the OEM website.



Cal OES hasn’t set a hard deadline, but it’s requested that anyone who might want FEMA funding submit the RPA via the Grants Portal by April 17th to support Cal OES’ planning efforts.

The PNP Application Fact Sheet contains a summary of required application elements. The RPA can be withdrawn at any time.

Washington and Oregon

Washington EMD and Oregon OEM haven’t set an application deadline, but we recommend that interested and eligible organizations submit their request for access to the Grants Portal as soon as possible to receive timely information.

We’re Here to Help

Securing grant funding will be crucial for the financial stability of health care providers as they address the demands of the COVID-19 crisis. If you would like support with project management, application development, grant administration, and subject matter expertise for your FEMA funding application, please contact your Moss Adams professional.

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